Create Landscapes with LandscapeSpawner

LandscapeSpawner Overview

  1. Search for LandscapeSpawner in the Content Browser, and drag one in your landscape. You can have several LandscapeSpawner’s in your level.

  2. Choose the heightmap source that you want in the Heightmap Downloader component (the LandscapeCombinatorMap in the Plugin’s Content contains several LandscapeSpawner examples).

  3. In the Details Panel of the LandscapeSpawner, you can check the “Create Mapbox Decals” or “Create Custom Decals” options if you also want to create decals. “Create Custom Decals” uses the Image Downloader settings from the Texture Downloader component.

  4. If you prefer to keep the creation of decals separated, you can use Landscape Texturer actors after (or before) your landscape has been created.

  5. In the Details Panel of the LandscapeSpawner, click on Spawn Landscape.

LandscapeSpawner Settings

  • ComponentsMethod: Select the method used to compute the components count when creating the landscape. This can either be Manual, or using a recommended landscape size from Unreal Engine. You can also choose Auto, which uses the same method as in Landscape Mode.

    If your heightmap data does not match the landscape components, you will get flat data at the border. This can be prevented the Auto Without Border option, but note that this will also remove some data at the border of your heightmaps to make them match the components.

  • Create Landscape Streaming Proxies (bool): If you are using World Partition, check this option if you want to create landscape streaming proxies. This is useful if you have a large landscape, but it might slow things down for small landscapes.

  • ZScale (double): ZScale = 1 means that one altitude unit (usually meters) in your heightmaps corresponds to 100 Unreal units (cm by default) in Unreal Engine in the Z-axis.